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Description: get specific details of the lock

idID!Transaction hash
addressBytes!Address of the lock
nameStringA descriptive name for a collection of NFTs in this contract
symbolStringGets the token symbol
expirationDurationBigInt!duration is set the on the lock when you deploy and the expiration which is set on each key when they are minted
tokenAddressBytes!Unique adddress for each token
priceBigInt!Price of the lock
lockManagers[Bytes!]!An assigned role set on a Lock contract which gives the highest level of permissions to the wallet address set to that role
versionBigInt!Unlock Protocol version of a "minting contract".
totalKeysBigInt!number of keys owned by keyOwner (expired or not)
maxNumberOfKeysBigInt!Setting for the max number of keys
mayKeyPerAddressBigInt!the maximum number of key allowed for a single address
keysKey!Refer to key entity
createdAtBlockBigIntWhich block the lock was created
lastKeyMintedAtBigIntThe block the last key was minted


Description: get specific details of the Key

idID!Transaction hash
lockLock!In the Unlock ecosystem, a “Lock” is a smart contract that creates (or “mints”) NFTs
tokenIdBigInt!tokenId for a given user
ownerBytes!The address of the key owner
managerBytesAn assigned title set on an Unlock key which gives a specific wallet address authorization to transfer, share or cancel
expirationBigInt!Time the key expires
tokenURIStringThe tokenURI on an NFT is a unique identifier
createdAtBlockBigInt!Block key was created
cancelledBooleanInvoked by a Lock manager to expire the user's key and perform a refund and cancellation of the keyThrows


Description: get specific details of the Daily Data Unlock

idID!Transaction hash
lockDeployedBigInt!Create lock This deploys a lock for a creator. It also keeps track of the deployed lock.
keysSoldBigInt!Daily number of keys sold
activeLocks[Bytes!]Daily number of active locks
grossNetworkProductBigInt!Total value exchanged in the network


Description: get specific details of LockStats

idID!Transaction hash
totalLocksDeployedBigInt!Total locks deployed
totalKeysSoldBigInt!Total keys sold